04 NOV 2018 by ideonexus
Developing Child's Understanding of Games
During the first stage, beginning around age 5, the child does not yet understand there are fixed rules to the game. Children of this age will play Marbles in an improvisational way, possessing a vague notion of rules but not yet understanding the idea of fixed rules. In the second stage, around ages 8 to 10, the child comes to know that there are rules, and will regard these rules with a near religious reverence. The rules are felt to have their own implicit authority, which cannot be quest...15 APR 2015 by ideonexus
If a Harvard Degree is So Valuable, Why Not Franchise It?
But what if higher education is really just the final stage of a competitive tournament? From grades and test results through the U.S. News & World Report rankings of the colleges themselves, higher education sorts us all into a hierarchy. Kids at the top enjoy prestige because they’ve defeated everybody else in a competition to reach the schools that proudly exclude the most people. All the hard work at Harvard is done by the admissions officers who anoint an already-proven hypercompet...22 APR 2014 by ideonexus
UbD Three-Stage Template
To help educators start with the goal, rather than the learning activity, UbD employs a three-stage template. • Stage 1—Identify desired results: In the first stage, you consider your big ideas and learning goals and prioritize them. • Stage 2—Determine acceptable evidence: In the next stage, you “think like an assessor” (p. 18) to select the means for collecting and validating evidence students grasped your learning goals. • Stage 3—Plan learning experiences and instructio...The basic methodology to backwards design in teaching.
28 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
he Development of Moral Reasoning
The earliest stage Kohlberg described was one in which right and wrong are defined by punishment rather than by any larger principle. If something is followed by punishment, it was wrong; if it is not, it was right. The light-fingered 5-year-old mentioned before was at this stage. A second stage considers reward as an important indication that something is right. The stress in these early stages is on works, not faith—rightness or wrongness is identified in terms of what a person actually d...As defined by Lawrence Kohlberg.